الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2016

اطلاق تطبيق يوتيوب جو لمشاهدة الفيديوهات بدون اتصال انترنت

قررت شركة قوقل إطلاق تطبيق خاص باليوتيوب، لكن مع تغييرات جذرية وبشكل جديد، الذي أطلقت عليه اسم “يوتيوب جو”، وستركز من خلاله على عمل المقاطع دون اتصال.
فكرة التطبيق تعتمد على إدراك الشركة أن مقاطع اليوتيوب تتطلب اتصالًا سريعًا بشبكة الإنترنت، وهذا بالطبع أمر غير متوافر للجميع، وبالتالي فإن عملاقة البحث تختبر عددًا من الحلول لإدراجها في يوتيوب جو، الذي تم تطويره للاستخدام بدون اتصال فقط.
وتلاحظ أن التطبيق جديد تمامًا، وليس تحديثًا لتطبيق يوتيوب الحالي كما يتوهَّم البعض. بدأت قوقل في تطويره في الهند، وهناك تقوم باختباره قبل الإطلاق الرسمي لكافة المستخدمين في مختلف دول العالم، وذلك خلال الأشهر المقبلة إن شاء الله تعالى.
بالنسبة لتصميم التطبيق فإنه يتشابه كثيرًا مع تطبيق اليوتيوب الحالي، مع مقترحات لمشاهدة مقاطع فيديو ذات صلة. هناك أيضًا القدرة على مُعاينة الفيديو قبل فتحه، وبالإمكان ضبط جودة الفيديو قبل تحميله، فضلًا عن إمكانية مُشاركة المقاطع التي سيتم حفظها مع الأصدقاء.

Company Brand Value, Lavida Interior Company

A company’s brand is usually considered one of the most valuable assets on a company’s balance sheet. Giving that brand a monetary value is, among other things, a metric that can help brand managers better understand their performance as stewards of the company’s name and the goodwill a positively associated brand can buy the company. There are various ways that a monetary value can be placed on a brand, including the cost it would take to build a similar brand, analyzing cost of royalities to use brand name, and cash flow of comparative unbranded businesses


الأربعاء، 28 سبتمبر 2016

Appartment interior design, it is different La Vida Interior Design

the ‘day’ area consists of both the living room and kitchen. proxy separates the two spaces with a single interior wall, bracketed on either side by bookshelves. these modular, cubic bookshelves open on either side for ease of access from both rooms, helping to broaden the sense of space between the two sections. the main wall of the living area is defined by its veneer of vertical wood panels, creating a tangible texture within the space that extends into the hallway. here, a hidden door marked with diagonally aligned panels provides access to the rest of the apartment. the whole area is characterized by the use of desaturated pastel tones and plenty of oak elements, which compliment the chevron patterned floor. these wooden elements become a recurring motif throughout the design, and are used as a subtle means of unifying the different interiors.

in contrast to the muted purples of the living room, the kitchen is brilliant white, highlighting its wooden detailing. the most remarkable feature is its vertical ‘plant wall’, covering one side of the kitchen and injecting more than a bit of life into the space

the ‘night’ zone consists of the master bedroom and children’s room, which can also function as a home office or lounge. in the modest, gray-toned bedroom, the vitality of the day zones is reduced to a more mature, serene personality. a deep-set cubed headboard subtly echoes the shelves of the kitchen, and provides a sense of solidity and shelter to the sleeper. overhead, a cluster of red hued lamps inject a pop of color into the rest of the space. in the children’s room/study, wardrobes are flush with the walls creating discreet, unobtrusive closet space, while clever use of shelving frames and defines a reading cubby



الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2016

افكار تصميم ديكور الحوائط من شركة لافيدا انتيريور للتصميم الداخلي والديكور في الرياض

توجد العديد من الافكار لديكور المنزل سواء فرديه او بواسطة شركات ديكور متخصصة واذا ما نظرنا للمنزل او للفراغات أي الأماكن فمكوناته المعمارية هي ارض سقف وجدران

نتكلم اليوم عن ديكور الحائط (الجدران) توجد عدة افكار لتزيين الحائط ويختلف الديكور باختلاف وظيفة المكان فمثلا لاكساء جدران غرفة النوم تكون بخامات متعددة منها ورق حائط والدهانات او اكسسوارات وتابلوهات
افكار لديكور الجدران مع احتفاظ كل فراغ بخصوصية وظيفته

-          استخدام ورق الحائط
-          استخدام الدهانات
-          استخدام المرايات واللوحات (الاكسسوارات)
-          استخدام الحجر بمختلف انواعه
-          عمل بانوهات من الجلد او القما المخمل
-          استخدام الخشب سواء مودرن او كلاسيك (بانوهات)
-          استخدام البوسترات (في المكاتب والمشاريع التجارية)
-          الإضاءة وتوظيفها لإضافة لمسه جمال لكل ما سبق وتجدون مقالات وصور وفيديوهات عن الإضاءة في هاشتاق #لافيدا_اضاءة   

La Vida Interior investgates in how Designer Samuel Wilkinson will bring nature back to furnature design

offcut’ is samuel wilkinson studio’s installation for the london design festival for the ‘design undefined #2’ exhibition held at the clerkenwell department store. the project is set within a 3m x 3m black metal cube placed within the shop. inside the cube there are over 4,000 offcuts that have been collected from the steam bending factory and have been cut, sorted and then hung up on a clear wire. the surrounding wood is lit from the inside, creating a dynamic cocoon, ideal to present the designer’s latest work: the ‘brace’ chair.
‘brace’ is a contemporary chair that embraces and promotes british quality manufacturing, producing it in a factory within 100 miles of the studio and with materials that have been locally sourced. steam-bending wood is a traditional process steeped in history. it is low energy, ecological and a truly economical method for manipulating wood. it has a reduced scrap rate since smaller pieces can be bent into shape rather than machined from larger blocks. there are only a small number of skilled manufacturers who can produce steam bent products on any scale and these are expensive due to rising labour costs and the handmade discipline required

name ‘brace’ derives from the traditional arch bracing used for many classic steam-bent designs. an “arch brace” is a curved piece of wood that acts as a secondary fixing to strengthen the structure. a series of arch braces in their purest application have been used to create the chair’s minimal form, negating the need for a cross structure making it lighter, leaner and allowing the curved seat pan to appear to float in the middle of the frame
brace’ will be made available in a variety of finishes including the matte black, cobalt blue and lime washed ash. each has a heavy sandblasted finish to highlight the solid wood construction and enhance the natural grain


الأحد، 25 سبتمبر 2016

an amazing building exterior mixed with nature. Lavida interior design

pedrali has opened ‘fili d’erba’, an automated warehouse in northern italy designed by architect cino zucchi. alluding to its agricultural context, the building’s name translates as ‘blades of grass’, a motif referenced on the warehouse’s façades. extruded aluminum profiles generate a visual pattern formed by a combination of vertical and oblique lines. like gigantic blades of grass, this gesture gives rhythm, scale, and measure to the otherwise plain surfaces.

located in the province of bergamo, cino zucchi architetti’s design for furniture brand pedrali measures 29 meters in height, covering a total area of 7,000 square meters. the complex is connected by a skytrain and eight self-steering shuttles that link to the existing industrial spaces. the facility, which is in use 24 hours a day, is capable of storing 16,880 pallets of semi-finished and complete products

the dull and uniform volume of new warehouse is thus transformed into a visual phenomenon rich in variations, a kind of natural ‘amplifier’ of the time of the day and the seasons,’ explains architect cino zucchi. ‘in certain moments it dissolves into the misty sky, reflecting its grey-blue tones, and in others it becomes imbued with the bright green of the agricultural fields in spring



السبت، 24 سبتمبر 2016

Amazing Cinema Design, La Vida Interior Design

 cinema’, is a 100 seat theatre designed by michal staško for x-bionic® sphere multiplex in samorín-cilistov, slovakia. as innovative as it is relaxed, the cinema is decorated with bright coloredtuli brand beanbags, along with a collection of acoustic wall panels and cubicles of similar taste. oriented towards the open-minded, ‘tulikino’ offers an original experience that diverts from classic movie venues.