الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2016

مصمم ديكور سويسري, ذكريات الطفوله احد عناصر الديكور, شركة لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

first developed in 2007 by swiss designers jodoc elmiger and valérie jacquemet, the kosmosphaera is a colorful collection of glassmade macro-marbles that invoke timeless childhood memories. during that period in people’s lives,’memories were transparent, colourful and bright as jewels. a completely care-free atmosphere, like colourful glass marbles‘, as expressed by the duo

from this particular reflection, jodoc elmiger and valérie jacquemet speak to all of us with their kosmosphaera collection. crafted by swiss glassmaker mattero gonet, the use of traditional glassworks for this project stands as an archetypical object that could captivate nostalgic adults as well as children in today’s consumerist lifestyle — where nintendo and toy marketing have taken over. furthermore, this particular material brings about a greater awareness: glass symbolizes longevity in a technologically and digitally immersed society where everything is discarded and changing by the second.

الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2016

Light item designs creative, La Vida interior Co.

UNIQCUBE light cube collection ‘Inspired by nature’ consists of 3 different light cubes each of them capturing a part of the natural world. As more and more people live in urban locations they feel disconnected from the natural world; the new light cube collection is designed to change this bringing some nature spirit to your home.

KNOW YOUR STARS UNIQCUBE will not only give you illumination, but also teach you the constellations. This lamp has the constellations labelled on its top surface, whereas the sides and bottom areas are decorated with large representations of them, so you will never get lost in the endless night sky

GET STONED UNIQCUBE reflects the different stone textures that look as rough as those of a real stone. Have you always wanted a real, impressive stone in your room? Here you go!
SNOWFLAKE UNIQCUBE consists of 8,712 snowflakes, each of them being different and unique. Have you always wanted to keep the snowflakes behind your window for a bit longer? This time you will be the one to melt away!


الأحد، 27 نوفمبر 2016

لمسات ديكور ابداعيه لتاهيل جراج في برشلونه, ثورة الحداثة والبساطة شركة لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

prior to the intervention, the existing elements were in poor conditions. brick and stone walls, as well as the ceiling, were hidden under thick linings of gypsum and mortar. the wooden beams on the ceiling were greatly damaged at certain areas by termites, and it could have easily affected the whole stability of the building. however, the property had multiple light openings and the existence of an inner patio allowed FFWD to use translucent glass in the street windows to highlight natural lighting while still maintaining privacy. this creates visual connections between the main spaces of the houses and courtyard — which is the focal point

the existing valuable components that FFWD wanted to restore form the upper shell of the space: walls and roof. owing to that, the floor would be the newly constructed element in charge of the space configuration. in other words, it becomes like a magma that fills the whole base of the apartment — creating open areas that are organized with the levels and objects generated. in some of the main areas obtained, the loft is organized with the use of closed boxes which contain the more private spots of the house like bathrooms and dressing rooms. based on this approach, bedroom spaces are also formed and remain separated from the daytime areas of the house

السبت، 26 نوفمبر 2016

الالوان في الديكور الداخلي, كيف نوظفها؟ وماهي انعكساتها النفسيه علينا ......شركة لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

- الأحمر:
يعبر عن الإثارة، الطاقة، الدفء، التذبذب. وهو أقوى الألوان علي الإطلاق لأنه لون حيوي. ويكون بالاختيار الملائم لمدخل الحجرات الكبيرة أو لحجرات المعيشة أو الردهات.

- الأخضر:
يمثل الطبيعة، النماء، الاسترخاء. وهو لون مريح للأعصاب ويذكرنا دائماً بالحياة والميلاد. والأخضر من الألوان المحايدة الذي يمكن أن يستخدم في تخليق ألوان جديدة. واختيار اللون الأخضر للمطبخ من الأشياء الملائمة والذي يعطي شعوراً بالنظافة.

- القرنفلي:
يلمح لنا بالثقة، السعادة، الشباب، الجمال. وهو لون قريب وينسجم مع لون الجلد. وهو لون مفضل لدورات المياه أو حجرات النوم.

- الأزرق:
يعكس الهدوء، الراحة، الاسترخاء، المساحات الشاسعة. والأزرق الفاتح الذي يشبه زرقة السماء يكون لأسقف حجرة النوم.

- الأصفر:
يقدم احساس بالسعادة والتفاؤل، ملفت للنظر أكثر من الأبيض ويتفوق عليه في الشعور بالمساحات الشاسعة معه لأن لونه فاتحاً. أما عن اختيارات هذا اللون فيكون لأي حجرة أو حجرات لا تتعرض لضوء الشمس.

- البني:
ينقل مشاعر الرضاء والارتياح والسعادة. وهو لون نسميه باللون المذكر أو باللون الماهر، لذا فالخيار الأفضل له حجرات العمل أو حجرة المكتب.

- البنفسجي:
يشير هذا اللون إلي الفخامة، الكبرياء، الترف، فطلاء الحجرة به يعطي لك الشعور كأنك في جناح ملكي. لذا فلا تمنع ضيوفك من العيش في هذا الجو عند زيارتك بطلاء الحجرة المخصصة لاستقبالهم به.

- البرتقالي:
يرمز إلي الروح، الدفء، الارتياح، العملي. من الأفضل استخدامه في حجرة المعيشة والتي لها مساحة متوسطة، لأن دهان الأسطح الكبيرة به يعطي شعور بالتعب والإرهاق.

- الطوبي:
يعطي الإحساس بالتحفظ وعمق التفكير، ويمكن استخدامه لحجرات المعيشة.

- الأسود:
يعكس الجرأة، الرقي، السيطرة، العمق. ولا يمكن استخدامه بمفرده ولكن مع اللون الأبيض أو الرمادي. يستخدم دائماً للحجرات العصرية والأنيقة.

يتضمن الأبيض علي النقاء، الصفاء، البراءة، الفضاء، الهدوء، الترف. طلاء حجرة النوم الرئيسية به يعطي لك إحساس بأنك في واحة تفصلك عن العالم الخارجي المليء بالضجيج والتعب.

- الرمادي:
يرسم لنا الرزانة، الحياتية، البيئة التي توجد من حولنا، وهو لون ملائم لحجرة العمل بالمنزل.

واختيار الألوان لديكور المنزل تختلف من شخص لآخر، فهناك من يفضل الألوان الفاتحة ... وآخرون يفضلون الألوان المشعة بالبهجة والألوان الصارخة ... كل ذلك يعتمد علي ذوق الفرد الذي يعكس شخصيته ومدى ارتياحه عند رؤية عينيه لهذه الألوان. 

الثلاثاء، 22 نوفمبر 2016

inside london's design museum La Vida Interior Co.

after five years of construction, london’s design museum is set to open in its new home on kensington high street. the institution, which has tripled in size to 10,000 square meters, is housed within a landmark listed building that dates back to the 1960s. the museum’s interiors have been remodeled by john pawson, while other big names — including OMA — have restored the structure’s distinctive façade and roof canopy

the design museum’s complex renovation saw OMA, allies and morrison, arup and john pawson collaborate to bring the landmark building back into use. the original concrete floors have been removed, while the previously existing façade has been replaced with a double-glazed skin — significantly improving insulation and permitting daylight to enter. the new exterior has been detailed to resemble the original blue skin of the building, with matching mullions and a fritted pattern of printed dots

inside the museum — which forms pawson’s first major public work — a series of calm, atmospheric spaces are articulated around an oak-lined atrium. sightlines are oriented towards the structure’s hyperbolic paraboloid roof, which spans the length of the building, rising on the two opposing corners to create an overhead manta ray-like structure. to ease circulation, galleries, learning spaces, the café, and the events space are arranged around the central atrium.

الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2016

apartment in paris Different La Vida Interior

french interior designer françois champsaur has transformed a bourgeois apartment near the trocadero neighborhood in paris into a modern and strong living space. the 500 square-meter home explores volume, materials and a certain form of void which leaves space for light and emotion. in it, high ceilings and long corridors lined with rooms are aligned around a U-shape. views of the eiffel tower can be seen from one side while an internal courtyard is present on the other

I wanted to pull this setting out of the past and transform it into something powerful and timeless,’ comments françois champsaur. ‘I wanted to strip things back to basics by focusing on strong details which have more in common with architecture than interior design

in order to detach the apartment from its turn-of-the-century bourgeois look, françois champsaur removed the false ceilings dating to 1970 and replaced the parquet with six-meter long pine boards. the resulting design evokes japanese architecture where the void is the most important space; it reflects the change in time, light and scent. ‘what I like about working in architecture is bringing out a place’s soul, its meaning, a sense of inclusiveness to create something that is both lived in yet modern,’ comments the designer

the rooms were given a sense of continuity and light was enabled to play with the different shapes. the layout was completely reworked, resulting in a succession of powerful and light minimalist spaces. the corridor was opened out into the lounge and the kitchen and onto the dining room. curved walls and doors are introduced all around the apartment, soothing the lines and enveloping those who visit it. at night, the rooms are lit from the floor, giving an indirect and calming light


الخميس، 17 نوفمبر 2016

Hotel With Young Spirit Design, La Vida Interior Design Co.

the wheat youth arts hotel is located in the binjiang district — hangzhou — of china, and within the ‘avenue of stars trade’ area. designed studio x+ living, the project caters for young spirits and reflects the striking contemporary lifestyle of the city

the entry is not eye-catching — given how it is located inside a shopping mall. upon approaching, two simple words ‘mai jian (wheat)’ could be seen on the small, simple white door of the hotel. x+living creates a small lobby at the entrance; guests need to go through it to reach the hall. at the end of the lobby, instead of using decorations, a vertical display of all guest room supplies is installed; items are painted white and sealed with glass to form a showcase. on the exterior, one can read the word “hallo” in orange-yellow. this peculiar display makes people feel like that all items in the guest room have gathered  to welcome future guests

the designer uses music, painting and reading — which are cherished by people in daily life–  to add an intimate touch to the hotel atmosphere. a piano can be found in the corridor of every floor, allowing guests to amuse themselves and share the charm of music –making it a tool for silent communication between strangers. she also uses chinese checkers to describe people by decorating a map of the world on one of the entrance walls –which carries a message that the hotel welcomes friends from all over the world. this approach is also employed to represent the service personnel of the hotel, thus chinese checkers are designed like stools — sitting on them makes guests feel like they are being served

entering the the lobby, the space looks like a study and a living room
image © shao feng


السبت، 12 نوفمبر 2016

الهوية التصميمية لدي لافيدا انتيريور للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

منذ انطلاقتها انتهجت شركة لافيدا خطاً تصميميا موحدا يتسم بالتميز والاختلاف عن كثير من الشركات التي تكرر نفسها وفي نفس الوقت قريبا من تطلعات العملاء وافكارهم

تعتمد هذه الهوية على عناصر تضمن لكل تصميم انفراد مستقل عن من سواه بحيث ان كل عميل يحصل على تصميم خاص ومنفرد
وتمر هوية لافيدا التصميمية ببرنامج تطوير مرحلي ممنهج, بحيث تجعل عملائها في قلب الصيحات الجديدة في عالم الديكور. الهوية التصميمية لدى لافيدا  روح متجددة اساسها الابداع والحداثة والجمال