الأحد، 19 فبراير 2017

Designing Restaurant in new special way. La Vida Interior Company

inside this japanese restaurant in st. petersburg, russia, the most distinctive feature is the wooden element which envelopes one side of the wall and the entire ceiling. designed by DA architects, their objective was to keep the 80 sqm restaurant interior neutral and simple

in total, 400 wooden triangles have been installed, representing DA architects‘ concept of creating an interior ‘shell’. references to asia is seen subtly through the clay pots decorating the walls and the bamboo place mats. the material and décor choice for the rest of kido sushi bar follows the designers’ decision to leave the space simple. the muted grey and blue color scheme projects focus onto the geometric, three-dimensional feature which ultimately, introduces visual expression and directing people’s gaze to the longitudinal stretch of the floor plan
apart from the wooden element, the walls and finishes have been left muted


الاثنين، 13 فبراير 2017

هل جربت الدوام في غابة, لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

as the trend of co-working spaces around the world is on the rise, second home lisboa hopes to evolve into a space that also focuses on sustainability and sparking conversation and relationships between the people who work there. with over 1,000 plants and trees organized throughout, selgascano used greenery not only to serve as a decorative element, but to reduce background noise, natural partition and improve air quality. the interior was approached in a domestic scale; different mix-matching furniture and lights have been used including mid-century and bauhaus originals

two completely different spaces have been created in the given L shaped plan: the main working space where the long table sits, and the café lounge area. both designed to be distinct and even opposite spaces: one for people to work and another for people to relax, talk and unwind. each space with a totally different ambience and personality.’  lucia cano, co-founder of selgascano

the intervention is sympathetic to the existing architectural structure where the original steel beams and trusses belonging to the 1892 market structure is still a focus inside the open-plan layout. open 24 hours a day, second home is composed over the 12,000 sq ft space to offer facilities such as 4 private meeting rooms, communal café, library and even a surf bus to take members to the beach on a regular basis before and after work. the versatile nature of the interior allows it to turn into a cultural venue hosting films, live music and talks

الأربعاء، 8 فبراير 2017

تعرف على 10 نصائح لعمل ديكور عصري وجميل للاماكن الصغيرة لافيدا للديكور

Are you struggling with decorating a small living room set? Don’t worry, La Vida is here to help you. Find bellow 10 living room ideas and modern interior design tips on how to style a small living room
Furniture against the wall does not guarantee a larger living room interior design. On the other hand, breathing room around your furniture leads to the appearance of more space. Try moving furnishings out of their beloved places and placing them in the middle of a constant awareness
Quality multi-functionality is appreciated everywhere these days. The same goes with designing your chic small interiors. Sneak a way that works the best for you with a multiple-use items such as bookcase built-in ottoman or go “sofa out of nowhere” style likewise in this case


الاثنين، 6 فبراير 2017

Children’s hospital interior design, La Vida Interior Design

british designer morag myerscough has created a series of bold and bright bespoke bedrooms for sheffield children’s hospital, transforming patient spaces into artistic tableaus. four schemes are rotated throughout 46 en-suite bedrooms and six multi occupancy bays, including a paler color palette designed for children who have conditions such as autism. ‘although the rooms are for children, I didn’t want them to be childish because children of all different age groups will be staying in them’ myerscough explains. ‘I also wanted to create somewhere parents would be happy to spend time too. it was just about making a bedroom that you felt good to be in.’
commissioned by artfelt, the children’s hospital charity’s arts program, the project brings a punchy palette of pink, yellow, green, and blue hues to the rooms. the new spaces, created by avanti architects, have a soft and domestic sensibility, and have been crafted to help make the clinical more comfortable by hiding plugs and wires behind formica panels.


الأربعاء، 1 فبراير 2017

اعادة تصدير الخشب التالف كقطع اكسسوار نفيسة, شركة لافيدا لتصميم الديكور الداخلي

intrigued by the phenomena of natural metamorphosis, austrian artist thomas medicus creates crystalis — a series of digitally designed glass sculptures with extensive 3D volumes. these tessellated pieces borrow the structural richness of chrysalis (or pupae), an advanced transformation stage of butterfly larvae right before they release themselves from their cocoons.
crafting a total of three pieces, thomas medicus has interpreted that natural occurence as a digitized chrysalis with abstracted architectures. after 3D modeling the geometric structures on a computer software, all glass fragments have been hand-cut and joined together manually. in the end, wanting to highlight that relationship between nature and architecture, driftwoods are enclosed by the triangulated glass structures.
detail view: the fragments are digitally designed

Can workplace furniture affect employee's performance? La Vida Interior Co.

Employee performance can benefit from the incorporation of wood into the overall design scheme, too. As HOK explains, because performance has been shown to be the product of ability, motivation and opportunity, and because workers’ abilities tend to improve within comfortable building conditions, the addition of wood, an inherently warm and comfortable element, can contribute to employees’ ability to rally their best


الأحد، 29 يناير 2017

نصائح للسيدات عند تنظيف والعناية بالاثاث الخشبي, لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

 احرصي على عدم استعمال الماء في أثناء التنظيف اليوميّ للخشب، فالماء يُساهم في تشقّقه بمرور الوقت.
ـ ضعي نصف كوب من زيت الزيتون في وعاء بلاستيكي، وأضيفي ربع كوب من عصير الليمون الحامض إليه. ثمّ قومي برشّ العصير، بواسطة بخّاخ على الأثاث.وامسحي هذا الخليط بعد دقائق، بواسطة قطعة من القماش الجافّ؛ فالزيوت تغذّي الخشب وتقيه من الجفاف.
ـ لتلميع الأثاث الخشب مع تفادي استخدام المنظّفات الكيميائيّة، ما عليك سوى إعداد الشاي بدون سكر، واتركيه حتى يبرد، ثمّ بلّلي به قطعة من القماش، وامسحيه، علماً أن "أوكسيد الكربون" الموجود في الشاي يمنحه مظهراً لمّاعاً.
ـ يمكنك خلط الخلّ الطبيعيّ بأحد أنواع الزيوت الموجودة لديك في البيت، ثم قومي بتغميس قطعة من القماش في الوعاء، وامسحي بها الأثاث الخشب.
ـ وبالنسبة إلى الخشب الغنيّ بالحفر، استعملي فرشاة ناعمة، بعد أن تضعي عليها كميّة بسيطة من الزيت وتفركيها، ثمّ امسحي بقطعة من القماش.