الأربعاء، 20 سبتمبر 2017

الفرق بين الجرانيت والرخام والبورسلان والسيراميك, دراسه مقدمه لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور

قسم التطوير في المكتب الفني لدى شركة لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي والديكور حريص جدا على اطلاع المجتمع على تفاصيل فنيه قد يعتبرها البعض خاصه بأصحاب المهنة. وذلك حرصا منه على ايصال رسالة توعويه تثقيفيه مجتمعي.

عند اقبال الكثير عبى تصميم ديكور منازلهم او البدء في تشطيبها هناك اشياء كثيره قد تصيبه بلبس في الفهم ولهذا

نتناول اليوم الفرق بين الرخام والجرانيت والبورسلان والسيراميك كالاتي: 

اولا الجرانيت:
هو صخر جوفي ناري تكون تحت سطح الارض نسيجة خشن ويوجد حبيبات على سطحه وهو اكثر الصخور الترسبيه تحملا لعوامل التعرية والملاحظ اننا في شركة لافيدا نستخدم هذه الخامه في المطابخ لكي تتحمل درجات حراره عالية بدون تأثر وكذلك مقاومه للخدوش له عدة اشكال سميكا او نحيفا يتم التحكم بها عند القص وعادة يتم استخدام النحيف للجدران والسميك للأرضيات ويوجد منه اللامع والمطفي

ويمكن دمجه بشكل جمالي مع قطع من الرخام عند تشكيل لوحات باستخدام الووتر جيت للارضيات

ثانيا الرخام

هو صغر كلسي تكون في جوف الارض تحت ضغط وحراره هائلين لعل ابرز الدول في انتاجه هي فلسطين وتركيا وايطاليا

من ناحية جودة وشكل قد لايختلف كثيرا عن الجرانيت ولكنالجرانيت يفوقه بقوة التحمل وفي نفس الوقت الرخام يفوق الجرانيت باشكاله والتشعيرات الطبيعية الموجوده عليه مما يجعله اختيار اول للصالات الرئيسية والمجالس وغيره
وتعتبر الوانه فاتحه اكثر من الجرانيت  

ثالثا البورسلان 

مادة مصنعه صلبه قويه تستخدم عادة للارضيات غير قابله للامتصاص ومقاومه للخدش وهو خالي من الطينه الفخارية بل قطعه واحده من ماده البورسلان شديدة الصلابه
يتميز بتعدد اشكاله وتصميماته فمنه مايشبه الرخام ومنه مايشبه الجرانيت وله نوعين مطفي ولامع  

رابعا السيراميك 

هو ماده مصنعه من مواد طبيعيه مثل الفخار والطين الاسود والرمل ومن مواد كيميائيه
يتكون من طبقتين طبقه واجهه زجاجيه لامعه وطبقه فخاريه قابله للامتصاص ويتفرع منه سيراميك الموزاييك 

ويفضل استخدامه للجدران, لايتحمل الوزن الزائد وممكن ان تضهر الطبقه الفخاريه وتزول الطبقه اللامعه التي على السطح


لمتابعة مواضيع اكثر يرجى زياره موقع لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي الالكتروني 

وللتواصل لاستقبال طلبات التصميم الداخلي واستشاراته 


او تسجيل طلب الاجتماع عبر موقعنا الالكتروني www.lavidalives.com

الثلاثاء، 1 أغسطس 2017

ديكور محل خضروات وفواكة ياباني بساطة وجمال, لافيدا للتصميم الداخلي واليدكور

japanese retail brand MUJI has reopened its global flagship store in tokyo’s yurakucho neighborhood. the expanded shop includes a fruit and vegetable market as well a full scale model of the MUJI HUT — a micro living space that measures just 10 square meters (108 square feet). ‘among the basic lifestyle needs of clothing, food, and shelter, ‘food’ is the most fundamental and indispensable aspect,’ explains MUJI. ‘the goal of the vegetable/fruit market we created is to offer an opportunity for the customers to think about the producers and the places where the food came from, and review their relationship with food .

new marketplace offers consumers basic foods such as fruits and vegetables alongside other groceries.importantly, produce comes directly from farms that use either a minimal amount of pesticides and fertilizers, or none whatsoever. the store will sell a seasonal selection of items, and is even planning to sell some of tokyo’s more unusual vegetables. ‘we will be offering vegetables with their inherent flavors, even if they do not meet the standards of shape and size,’ continues MUJI. ‘we plan on displaying a sign on each product, with a note from the producers and some seasonally-appropriate ways to eat them

soup is made directly from the vegetables sold in store, while freshly baked bread and coffee are available from a second floor café. the MUJI HUT also forms part of the refurbished store, with advisers on hand to answer any questions from potential buyers. the compact enclosure contains an area spacious enough for up to four people, while a large window ensures plenty of natural light


الخميس، 27 يوليو 2017

White lace patterns in nail salone. Lavida interior

located on the edge of blue harbor’s underground square, the second ‘lily nails’ completed by archstudio is in an irregularly shaped and elongated beauty salon in beijingthe project is aimed at extending two dimensional floral patterns into three dimensional spaces, creating a flexible environment with feminine temperament – hence improving the identity and comfort of the nails salon.

accordingly, archstudio‘s design employs walls that interlace straight and curved lines to re-integrate the interior facades. the curved walls divide various functional areas such as manicure, beauty, reception, storage, etc. — meeting different spatial needs from open to private. meanwhile, the variety of scales and shapes also enriches customers’ environmental perception. furthermore, the pattern of the walls adopts lace, a typical clothing motif with distinct feminine features, which was abstractly transformed and realized through the laser cutting of a six mm steel plate.

position and scale of the lace pattern have created a visual relation to clients inside the space, for reference. indeed, the motif turns all the walls translucent, overlapping and interweaving while clients move around. on the other hand, the storefront is enclosed by a pitchy hot-rolled steel plate, leaving a transparent entrance. ‘when customers pass through the noisy mall and walk inside the salon, the pure and abstract space of lace patterns enables you to slowly calm down and enjoy the time that belongs to yourself,’ elaborates the architects

Industerial Cafe Design in Riyadh By La Vida Interior

Industerial Cafe Design By Lavida Interior

The design is industrial design Lavida used materials and textures in the cafe design to present this mood of design, concreat material used in floor and also on the walls but as a paint, this is also a creative idea to use concreat paint texture for walls to serve the whole theme of the cafe.
also epoxy material was used on floors.
Furniture in this project is unusual lavida used recycling ideas for furniture items, shelfs from old wood also the structure of the furniture like table’s legs are and shelf’s frames are from old steel materials, the doors are pure massive wood, tables in the out door of female section are from old wires coil.
Cafe walls used in creative way to present the cafe products, in this cafe the client can see while preparing his coffee. For sure this cafe has female section besides the males and with exterior setting area. The green items used like the flowers and small trees was used also to break the dryness of material used items
This project is different and creative made by lavida interior design studio.
this design is for our company lavida its published for the first time

الأحد، 23 يوليو 2017

Interior Design, Creativity Lavida interior company

polish avantgarde design studio, beza interiors, specializes in bespoke interiors for the creative sector. in its most recent project, beza redesigns the advertising agency, ‘hand made’, by revamping the office while maintaining its traditional architecture. according to the architects, a very important aspect of the project is the staircase — a lamp with organic covers was designed by the designers themselves, and a personalized sculpture with the client’s logo at the entrance.


especially created a series of handmade furniture and lamps for this project. the designers renovated the historic parquet floor and preserved the original tiled stoves. additionally, the atmosphere of the interior is emphasized by the stucco that they designed. using the client’s design, beza used traditional handcraft techniques such as wood carving, stucco wall decoration, metal hammering, shibori and sculpture. as a result of this personalization, every object is not only functional but offers a sense of individuality. the product of the firm’s work is a unique interior with customer-specific functionalities